Mobile blogging

this post is written using my newest plug in and a mobile phone. I wonder if this works. 🙂

New Plugins UPDATED

I’m about to test out some new plugins for this blog. First one to go is the PoWPoll written by Lyn4. Here we go: [poll:2] UPDATE: Unfortunately, the PowPoll Addon didnt quite work as expected. 🙁 I’m now running WP-Polls written by Lester Chan. It comes...

Burning Feeds

I’m proud to announce that i’ve successfully implemented feedburner in my blog (at least i hope). Many of you know, i’m very keen on statistics, thats why I took this step. So, if anyone still uses the old link, please re-subscribe using the...

For the looks

The default-Theme of WordPress is nice n‘ clean. but it seems a bit mainstream to me. Currently I’m checking out some other themes from the WordPress Theme Database. So don’t be surprised if my blog looks different from time to time. Of course I...

Social Networking with XING

Since August I am working with the Social-Networking Site XING It is quite amazing how many people you find on this network, and how little people talk about it. Currently i am looking for a WordPress-Plugin which integrates the XING-Button that links directly to my...