1. What has happened until now

We have gotten the task to set up a new communication and collaboration infrastructure for our department to work with both external partners, contractors and customers. The old environment consists of an Exchange 2003 Server with OWA enabled, a Windows Sharepoint...

Infrastructure remake

Currently I am working on a new Infrastructure farm for our Department. For the past two years we have used some spare space on a ESX-Farm of an other department. Mid of November we were informed that they need the space for themselves and will kick us out by the end...

When the night falls

Normally I have a very normal eight-to-five job in an office. But working in the IT-Industry sometimes requires you to shift your working hours to the night. For example if you’re rolling out Office 2007 in a customers environment. Its not too bad doing this as...

New Project started

As some of you probably know, I’m working for a large IT-Company that provides complete Support-Packages for companies. And today we started a new project. I just found out today that the Sales-guys knew about this for 8 months. Well, no one thought of telling...