von Bendy | 18. Dezember 2007 | Work
We have gotten the task to set up a new communication and collaboration infrastructure for our department to work with both external partners, contractors and customers. The old environment consists of an Exchange 2003 Server with OWA enabled, a Windows Sharepoint...
von Bendy | 18. Dezember 2007 | Work
Currently I am working on a new Infrastructure farm for our Department. For the past two years we have used some spare space on a ESX-Farm of an other department. Mid of November we were informed that they need the space for themselves and will kick us out by the end...
von Bendy | 1. November 2007 | Work
Normally I have a very normal eight-to-five job in an office. But working in the IT-Industry sometimes requires you to shift your working hours to the night. For example if you’re rolling out Office 2007 in a customers environment. Its not too bad doing this as...
von Bendy | 18. März 2005 | Work
As some of you probably know, I’m working for a large IT-Company that provides complete Support-Packages for companies. And today we started a new project. I just found out today that the Sales-guys knew about this for 8 months. Well, no one thought of telling...