I always was a photo affected person. When I went on holiday, I usually brought home loads of pictures. Also, when being at home or out and about, I usually take snapshots of everyday-items that catch my eye.
We go away on long weekends quite often, due to the fact that we both are interested in other cities and can get accommodation to a fair price. When visiting other cities, I tend to make lots of photos of parks, historical (or just nice) buildings, streetviews, skylines, etc… Why not, if you’re able? You got your cam in your pocket. and with the development of technology, a pocket-cam gives you decent pictures even in sub-optimal lighting situations.
A few weeks ago, we were in Vienna visiting some friends. It was my first time there and I must say, the city took my breath away. You have parks, nice little alleys, and gorgeous buildings. Also, the life in the city center offers many snapshots. But I brought home only about 20 pictures. And the majority of them were taken by my girlfriend. I just wasn’t motivated to take pictures, and I didn’t know why. This bugged me and I kept on wondering why my motivation to take pictures just vanished.
While looking through the pictures, I noticed that many of the buildings were cut off. Meaning, they didn’t fit on one Picture. I got the same feeling again that I got back in Vienna. Why should I take pictures of something I can’t fit on one anyway?
Maybe I need something that can cover a wider angle. Maybe I’ve reached the point where I must break out of the boundries of pocket-cameras. Maybe what I need is a SLR. This would broaden the spectrum of possible pictures by use of multiple lenses. Wide-angle of 18mm. *sigh*
I was pleasantly surprised that the prices of DSLR-Cameras have dropped quite a bit. Maybe they are now in a Price-Range where someone like me can afford them. I’ve already been to a photo-store to hold some of them in my hand and get a feel for them. In the entry-level segment the technical differences between the brands are so small, that every camera makes good pictures. So its down to the non-measurable feel-good factor.
This Friday I can borrow my colleagues Nikon D40 to test-drive it for the weekend. I hope that will give me some insight if I can (and want) handle such a camera. After-all, you can’t just slip in in your pocket. You will have to carry around some weight when on holidays. And, its different to hold a Camera which weighs about 1kilo, compared to a 150g pocket-cam.
I’m really not sure. It’s still quite an investment. Am I willing to use it enough to justify such an investment? Has anybody of you experience in that field? Maybe some advice? I’ve checked some forums already. But all I get there is the Brand brainwash. Canon-Fans say only buy Canon, Sony fans say only buy Sony, Olympus fans…. you get the message.
I’m confused…
„Digital Photography“ ist die neue Lektüre auf bendy.ch -> http://www.bendy.ch/2008/08/digital-phot…