von Bendy | 11. August 2008 | Technik
Here is my conclusion about the TomTom GO 930 T as far as I can judge now. In-Car performance I’m still very impressed on how fast the nav gets a loc. Entering a destination address is easy as always. you can choose from the following destination types: Home...
von Bendy | 6. August 2008 | Fotografie, Gedanken
I always was a photo affected person. When I went on holiday, I usually brought home loads of pictures. Also, when being at home or out and about, I usually take snapshots of everyday-items that catch my eye. We go away on long weekends quite often, due to the fact...
von Bendy | 25. Juli 2008 | Unterwegs
Its now the 6th time I’ll be going to the Open Air Rock Festival in Gampel (VS). Until now, every Year was full of Music, fun, and of course, Lots of beeeeer. Last year we even had a Fondue. I can’t wait until I’m back in Wallis, enjoying the...
von Bendy | 23. Juli 2008 | Erheiterndes
Just stumbled over a remedy for men exposed to excessive noise. Chinese Feel-good patch (found on sheng-fui.de)
von Bendy | 20. Juli 2008 | Gedanken
I just looked out of the window, and its raining like hell. I even see the raindrops bounce of the windowsill. This will piss off every summer-lover and sun-griller, but I LOVE RAIN! At least when I’m at home on the sofa, with a blanket and a nice cup of coffee...
von Bendy | 17. Juli 2008 | Technik
A colleague just told me that the IPhone is now sold at CHF 1.–!!!!! Here’s the proof:
von Bendy | 16. Juli 2008 | Erheiterndes, Internet
I’ve seen these Videos a few times now on the Internet. Last on eigent.li/ch. Everone who has a cat, knows that it’s exactly like that. 😀 Simon’s YouTube site (via eigent.li/ch)
von Bendy | 7. Juli 2008 | Technik
Today I used the GO 930 to get to work. I know, its somewhat over-delivery but its good to measure the accuracy of the nav in an area you know. After driving out of the garage, it had a lock almost instantly. about 3 mins later the TMC-Data was downloaded. It kept...
von Bendy | 5. Juli 2008 | Technik
The Nav already impressed me on the drive home. Operating is very intuitive and doesn’t require long study of the handbook. Although I recommend reading it to take advantage of all the features. I would like to go into a bit more detail and describe the features...
von Bendy | 3. Juli 2008 | Euro 2008
If anyone would like the left over panini pictures, just let me know. If noone wants them, I’ll throw them away.